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Childhood and Adolescence Psychological Therapy

About me

Sara Liébana

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I have a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid. I then specialized with a Masters degree in Psychological and Social Intervention with minors.  Later on, I deepened into working with children in the autistic spectrum.


My other speciality is to give emotional support to women with relational difficulties. In collaboration with different social associations and local government bodies, I have carried out various projects of women empowerment.


During my professional career I’ve worked in both the public and the private sector: social services, penitentiary centers, minors associations and schools. Through this diverse experience I have been able to expand the sensitivity and empathy that accompany me since I was a child.


I work with minors who present difficulties such as: fears, anxiety, challenging life changes, bullying, etc.




Emotional support and women empowerment.


As a first step in a process of change I offer tools of empowerment through becoming aware and developing personal abilities, as well as improving social skills.

Therapeutic approach




I start from a cognitive behavioural branch of Psychology in combination with systemic psychology. I work considering the resources and capabilities that the person has in order to enhance them and together reach the desired change.


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